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Most countries in Africa have introduced the use of local languages as the language of learning and teaching for the first few years of schooling. Meaning that for the first few years of learning, learners learn mathematics in their local languages. In response to this, most research has focused on the challenges of using local languages in multilingual mathematics classrooms in schools. Not much research focuses on how the teacher educators prepare the prospective teachers to teach...
Teachers involved in action research in mathematics classrooms typically focus on their pedagogical practice, and rarely challenge the mathematical content of their teaching. The first part of this article supports this claim in terms of an analysis of the teachers-as-researchers movement. It then reports on a study where teachers were researching aspects of mathematics for the teaching of limits of functions, in which mathematical and pedagogical issues were intertwined. The aim of the...
Education systems are culturally embedded and, therefore, difficult to improve without understanding actions, beliefs, and attitudes related to education existing within the culture. This article discusses the role culture plays in the teaching and learning of mathematics. It specifically dwells on the ways culture could benefit learners from disadvantaged parts of the world, with special reference to Uganda. It singles out culture at a societal level, arguing that culture can act as a...
Children at the primary level like to explore, experiment, create and interact intensively with the environment. The use of copious types of instructional resources, therefore, helps create an enabling environment for effective learning of the subject (Meremikwu 2008). Several studies have suggested that factors such as gender and type and location of school could affect pupils mathematics achievement (Okoyeocha, 2005). The purpose of this study therefore is to determine the effect of the...
This study examined standard 6 and 8 (Standards 6 and 8 are the sixth and eighth years, respectively, of primary level schooling in Kenya.) students' perceptions of how they use mathematics and science outside the classroom in an attempt to learn more about students' everyday mathematics and science practice. The knowledge of students' everyday mathematics and science practice may assist teachers in helping students be more powerful mathematically and scientifically both in doing mathematics...
Mathematics as a subject is indispensable in the development of Lesotho with respect to science, technology or any other field of knowledge. It is also a mirror to our past. In this case, Lesotho's indigenous mathematics is not fully explored and understood by Basotho. This author aims to present ethno mathematics of Basotho as compared to mathematics of other nations and the meaning it carries to the Basotho community. In this article, the author puts an effort to explore an approach that...
This article describes phases of post-lessn reflective dialogues that were enacted by secondary school mathematics student teachers with their peers. Five pairs of student teachers on 12 weeks of teaching practice provided data through lesson assessments, post-lesson reflective dialogues, and end-of-teaching-practice reflective interviews. A cognitive theory of collaborative reflection with a peer that encapsulates phase characteristics of a post-lesson reflective dialogue is proposed....
This study seeks to examine gender differences amongst science, mathematics and technology (SMT) teachers with regards to nine school environment variables as well as the association of these variables with teachers professional background and school characteristics. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire was used to collect data from a sample of 275 female and 260 male SMT teachers. Findings A multiple analysis of variance revealed a statistically significant gender difference on the...
The underlying assumption to this paper is that learners' ability to appreciate the relevance of school science and its importance to socio-economic development of their communities to a large extent depends on the quality of instruction they receive from their teachers. A popular conundrum is that no country is greater than the calibre of its teachers. However, a sort of Mathew's principle of the "haves" having more and the "have-nots" losing even what they do have tends to hold. Hence,...
Differences in the perception of the difficulty level of integrating specific educational objectives into Mathematics teaching between beginner and experienced secondary school Mathematics teachers was examined. One hundred and seventeen Mathematics teachers from State Secondary Schools in Anambra, Nigeria were included in the investigation. A descriptive survey instrument was constructed for the study which incorporated 32 items in the areas of Planning Instruction (PI), Implementing...
This study examined the mathematics teachers' Internet self-efficacy and its possible influence on the delivery of mathematics instruction. The participants were 90 mathematics teachers selected from various schools in five local government areas of Osun State, Nigeria. The results demonstrated that to a great extent mathematics teachers have high Internet self-efficacy and that correlation exists between mathematics teachers' age, Internet usage and Internet self-efficacy. Irrespective of...
The study found the performance determinants of students' performance in mathematics Kenya certificate of secondary education (KCSE) in Nyamaiya division of Kenya. The study employed descriptive survey design of the ex-post facto type with a total student population of 151 and 12 teachers. Four validated research instrument developed for the study were Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) (r = 0.67), Students Questionnaire (SQ) (r = 0.75), Teachers Questionnaire (TQ) (r = 0.60 and Head...
This study is based on the observation of a divide between mathematics taught in school and the social and cultural context in which they apply. These mathematics, which present significant difficulties for students, appear to be far-removed from the needs and concerns of society. However, many social practices require daily recourse to mathematical concepts. To better understand how these conceptsthe nature of which is not fully understood in schoolsare used in context, an ethnographic...