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Children in many extremely poor, remote regions are growing up illiterate and innumerate despite high reported school enrollment ratios. Possible explanations for such poor outcomes include demand – for example, low perceived returns to education compared to opportunity cost; and supply – poor state provision and inability of parents to coordinate and finance better schooling. We conducted a clusterrandomized trial in rural Guinea Bissau to understand the effectiveness and cost of concerted...
The paper investigates the availability and use of audiovisual materials for teaching Mathematics at the Senior Secondary School level in South-west Local Government Area in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. The objectives are to identify various audio-visual materials that are available and used by teachers of mathematics during lessons as well as the benefits teachers derived on the use of instructional materials and the challenges militating against their usage. The study employed descriptive...
The local needs and circumstances in curriculum revision often necessitate improvements in the quality of education. However, problems associated with the revision of curricula in developing countries have been observed from a range of perspectives in previous studies. This study investigates the revision process of the intended mathematics curriculum in Mozambique through document analysis of related materials and interviews with people involved in the 2015 curriculum revision. The...
Generally, the student's performance in the teaching and learning process is influenced by multiple factors, one of which is strictly related to the teacher's ability to transmit effectively the contents to eir students. Therefore, the combined effect of these factors ends up affecting the scope of the entire process and the goals previously defined for achieving good results. It is in this aspect that the present work seeks to analyze the performance of the teachers on the subject of...
Increasingly, mathematics is seen as an important vector of opportunities for economic and social advancement and mobility. There are currently concerns that economic development in the sub-Saharan region is being hampered by the limited availability of high-quality education. In particular, the poor performance of mathematics in schools is seen as a major obstacle to improving economic and social outcomes at the individual and national levels. The main objective of the study was to examine...
This study reports mixed-methods research findings, which assesses the level of mathematics teachers' pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in selected secondary schools of Zanzibar. A Likert-scale questionnaire related to PCK self-assessment was administered to 69 teachers, 12 of whom were observed three times during lesson delivery in their respective mathematics classrooms. Both descriptive, inferential, and qualitative analyses were used. The study based on a questionnaire revealed that...
This study has investigated the concerns of public basic school teachers about the implementation of the standard-based curriculum in Ghana. A cross-sectional survey design was employed to conduct the study in ten schools in the ten Sub-Metropolitan Assemblies in Kumasi. The schools were selected by using a stratified sampling technique. All the regular teachers in the selected schools totalling 281 were selected to answer the questionnaire. The Stages of Concerns Questionnaire (SoCQ) as...
This paper reports the findings of a descriptive survey research that explored secondary school students' experiences with mathematics remote learning during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) school closure. The study involved 367 students of ages 13 to 21 selected from six secondary schools in Kitwe district of Zambia using the cluster random sampling method. Using a mixed-methods research approach, quantitative and qualitative data were merged to provide a comprehensive analysis of...
Literature is well-stocked with studies confirming that an instructional approach, self-efficacy, and mathematical reasoning skills are critical for enhancing students' conceptual understanding and achievement in mathematics. However, there has been little emphasis on establishing whether being able to reason mathematically depends only on the instructional approach or students' self-efficacy beliefs about mathematics also play a hidden role. A quasi-experimental study involving 301 grade 11...
Developing teachers competencies in technology integration has recently been one of the areas of attention in teacher training. This paper presents an investigation of the development of mathematics teachers technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through collaborative lesson design activities. The study employed a pre and post-test for non-equivalent groups quasi-experiment with three groups. Participants were secondary school mathematics teachers from Dar es Salaam-Tanzania who...
Children spend a significant proportion of their time at school and in school buildings. A healthy learning environment that supports children should be thermally conducive for learning and working. Here, we aimed to study the relations between indoor classroom temperatures and learner absenteeism as a proxy for children’s health and well-being. This one-year prospective study that spanned two calendar years (from June 2017 to May 2018) entailed measurement of indoor classroom temperature...
The unsatisfactory academic performance of students in Nigerian secondary schools has been blamed on the quality of teachers, and professional development has been identified as a remedy. Hence, this study examined the effects of teacher collaboration as a form of professional development on students academic achievement in mathematics. The research adopted a pretest-posttest-control group quasi-experimental design involving a 22 factorial matrix. The population comprised all the mathematics...
Although there is an invaluable growth of science and technology across the world, many young people appear to lose interest in Mathematics and science-related subjects due to poor academic achievement caused by different factors. The factors affecting students' achievement in science subjects among sub-Saharan Africa countries,including Rwanda, have been an issue for stakeholders on investigating how to improve the teaching and learning of science in basic education. In this study, a...
For teachers to integrate ethnomathematics approaches, it is essential to understand their views related to the implementation challenges of such approaches. In schools, teachers held previous views and experiences that influenced their integration of ethnomathematics approaches. This study investigates school-related factors that impede the integration of ethnomathematics approaches into the teaching and learning of geometry as well as suggesting possible solutions into mathematics...
The major objective of this study was to examine the effect of Ethiopian pre-service primary school teacher education program to mathematics teachers knowledge and assess teacher educators awareness about Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. The study employed quantitative and qualitative research approaches. It was also used survey and narration research design. The population of this study were all third-year pre-service teacher classes in generalist, specialist and linear modality classes...