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The aim of the study was to examine the effect of the perceptions of students about classroom learning environment on their academic achievement at secondary level in the Mathematics classrooms. The participants were selected from the secondary and higher secondary schools located in Tehsil Rawalpindi and Islamabad (Federal Area), Pakistan. Twenty four schools were selected randomly. A total of five hundred sixteen students of 10th grade studying Mathematics in twenty seven classrooms, were...
There have been considerable investments in resourcing teacher training institutions all over the world especially, in advanced countries but can same be said of the middle income and underdeveloped countries? This study was carried out to investigate how resourceful colleges of education in Ghana are to enable them train pre-service teachers to integrate technology into teaching and learning. It is perceived that in teacher education programmes, technology receives very little attention and...
The study explored the extent of ICT integration in teaching and learning of mathematics among Colleges of Education (CoE) mathematics tutors in Ghana. The study which included forty-four (44) CoE mathematics tutors from Central, Greater Accra, Ashanti and Western region utilized a descriptive survey as its research design and made use of both quantitative and qualitative data. This study used convenience and purposive sampling techniques to select the sample of forty-four (44) mathematics...
The Blinder-Oaxaca approach has been used to decompose the gender gap in mathematics test scores in private and public primary schools in Kenya. That is, the mathematics production functions are estimated separately for boys and girls, the difference between the boys and girls average scores is estimated and then decomposed into three components. That is, gap due to differences in resources between boys and girls, gap resulting from difference in utilization of educational resources and the...
The purpose of this article is to examine teachers’ and facilitators’ (subject advisors) views of the approaches to teaching mathematics and mathematical literacy (ML). Using Bernstein’s (1996) constructs of recognition and realisation rules, I analysed data from interviews conducted with mathematics and ML teachers and facilitators. The analysis shows that some teaching strategies are associated with mathematics and others with ML. That is, teachers and facilitators refer to teaching...
New data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics show that 617 million children and adolescents worldwide are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics. The figure signals “a learning crisis” according to the UIS, which could threaten progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)....
Research findings in the literature show that teachers’ concern about change process is extremely personal and it influences the implementation of innovation. This study aimed at assessing information and communication technology teachers’ stages of concern regarding the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) curriculum in basic schools. It also examined the effects of teachers’ personal factors or variables such as gender and teaching experience on their stages of...
The paper used district level students pass rate in a nationally conducted basic education certification examination to assess the effect of school electrification on learning outcomes. The results show that school electrification in addition to the traditional school-level inputs, such as class size, pupilteacher ratio, ratio of core textbook to students, and sanitation, help to explain a significant portion of the variation in performance across districts. The analysis further showed that...
Educational effectiveness research has witnessed some growth in the last three decades because the current era of global competitiveness compels each country to train and equip its citizens with knowledge and skills that would make them successful. Researchers from different countries are investigating factors across various levels within the school system that affect students learning outcomes and social development. This study applies a multilevel modelling technique (Hierarchical Linear...