Examining the psychometric properties of the achievement goals questionnaire among nigerian preservice mathematics and science teachers

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Journal Article
Examining the psychometric properties of the achievement goals questionnaire among nigerian preservice mathematics and science teachers
The stability of the achievement goal orientation across different contexts has been a source of further research since the new millennium. Through theoretically-driven and empirically-based analyses, this study investigated the psychometric properties of the Elliot and McGregor 22 framework for achievement goal questionnaire within a communal context. Method. Based on classical test theory, the present study attempted to explore the stability of the 22 framework for Achievement Goal Questionnaire (AGQ) using exploratory factor analysis involving the principal components extraction with orthogonal and oblique rotations. Results. Results support the factor structure of the 22 achievement goal framework in the collectivist culture context. Discussion. The present study provides evidence that suggests that achievement goal construct as measured by AGQ, appears to be culturally and contextually invariant thus reinforcing the four-factor model namely mastery-approach, performance-approach, masteryavoidance, and performance-avoidance in domain specific context. Future research should focus on determining the psychometric properties of the 22 achievement goals in Mathematics Education Questionnaire and Science Education Questionnaire using both the classical test theory and modern item response theory to refute or generalise existing results. Education Psychology I+D+i and Editorial EOS(Spain).
Loc. in Archive
Awofala, A.O.A., Arigbabu, A.A., Fatade, A.O., Awofala, A.A., 2013. Examining the psychometric properties of the achievement goals questionnaire among nigerian preservice mathematics and science teachers. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 11, 743770. doi:10.14204/ejrep.31.13037
Awofala, A. O. A., Arigbabu, A. A., Fatade, A. O., & Awofala, A. A. (2013). Examining the psychometric properties of the achievement goals questionnaire among nigerian preservice mathematics and science teachers (Awofala, A.O.A., Arigbabu, A.A., Fatade, A.O., Awofala, A.A., 2013. Examining the psychometric properties of the achievement goals questionnaire among nigerian preservice mathematics and science teachers. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 11, 743770. doi:10.14204/ejrep.31.13037). https://doi.org/10.14204/ejrep.31.13037