Influence of mathematical language ability and parental supports on students academic achievement in secondary school sciences (Physics, chemistry and biology) in ogun state, nigeria

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Journal Article
Influence of mathematical language ability and parental supports on students academic achievement in secondary school sciences (Physics, chemistry and biology) in ogun state, nigeria
The development of any nation depends on its scientific and technological prowess which when pivoted on sound mathematical foundation helps acquisition of functional skills for productive contribution to society. However, students have difficulty in applying mathematical knowledge to science learning. This study investigated the influence of Mathematical Language Ability (MLA) and Students Parental Supports (SPS) on achievement in senior school science subjects in Ogun State. It adopted a survey research type with two research questions raised and six hypotheses formulated. Seven hundred and twenty students were randomly selected from six out of eleven public senior secondary schools purposively selected in Ijebu Ode Local Government Area, Ogun State. Three test instruments: Mathematical Language Ability Test (r = 0.85), Students Parental Supports Questionnaire (r = 0.75) and Students Achievement Test (r = 0.78) were used for data collection. Data analysis using regression analysis revealed a significant influence of MLA on students achievement in the core science subjects. Similarly, the result indicated significant influence of SPS on achievement in science subjects. It is recommended that science teachers should be familiar with the language of mathematics since many of the science concepts involve the use of numbers, symbols, signs and mathematical expression for problem-solving. 2021, Kazan Federal University. All rights reserved.
Loc. in Archive
Badru A.K., Owodunni S.A., 2021. Influence of mathematical language ability and parental supports on students academic achievement in secondary school sciences (Physics, chemistry and biology) in ogun state, nigeria. Education and Self Development. 16, 10-20 doi:10.26907/esd16.1.03
Badru A.K., O. S. A. (2021). Influence of mathematical language ability and parental supports on students academic achievement in secondary school sciences (Physics, chemistry and biology) in ogun state, nigeria (Badru A.K., Owodunni S.A., 2021. Influence of mathematical language ability and parental supports on students academic achievement in secondary school sciences (Physics, chemistry and biology) in ogun state, nigeria. Education and Self Development. 16, 10-20 doi:10.26907/esd16.1.03).