Assessment of Mathematics Tutors’ ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Colleges of Education of Ghana

Resource type
Journal Article
Assessment of Mathematics Tutors’ ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Colleges of Education of Ghana
The study explored the extent of ICT integration in teaching and learning of mathematics among Colleges of Education (CoE) mathematics tutors in Ghana. The study which included forty-four (44) CoE mathematics tutors from Central, Greater Accra, Ashanti and Western region utilized a descriptive survey as its research design and made use of both quantitative and qualitative data. This study used convenience and purposive sampling techniques to select the sample of forty-four (44) mathematics tutors of the CoE in Ghana. Data for this study were gathered using questionnaire. The questionnaire was made up of closed and opened end questions. The questionnaire was put into two (2) main parts (A-B). The A part elicited information on the demographic profiles and the B part elicited information on the integration of ICT into mathematics teaching and learning. The findings of this study revealed that mathematics tutors to a large extent used ICT for general applications, however, mathematics tutors’ ICT integration and computer-based technology use in mathematics teaching and learning in CoE in Ghana is low. It is recommended that, the CoE principals should collaborate with the mathematics departments to develop the skills and ability to integrate ICT into mathematics teaching and learning process in the CoE to the maximum level.
Library Catalogue
Mensah, J. (2018). Assessment of Mathematics Tutors’ ICT Integration into Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Colleges of Education of Ghana.