How do student and classroom characteristics affect attitude toward mathematics? A multivariate multilevel analysis

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Journal Article
How do student and classroom characteristics affect attitude toward mathematics? A multivariate multilevel analysis
This study investigated the effects of student and classroom characteristics on math self-confidence, perceived usefulness, and enjoyment of mathematics as multiple outcomes. A sample of 7th-grade students from 78 classes of 49 schools was studied. The data were collected using, among other instruments, an attitude questionnaire. The results of the multivariate multilevel analysis showed that the variance of the 3 indicators was situated mostly at the student level, and that the indicators correlated strongly at the class level. Higher prior mathematics achievement and positive parental beliefs and attitudes were significant predictors of higher scores across the 3 indicators. Each of the baseline indicators was significantly associated with its corresponding final indicator. At the classroom level, classroom assessment was significantly associated with less endorsement of all 3 indicators, higher levels of classroom modeling with greater endorsement of perceived usefulness of mathematics, and classroom questioning with greater enjoyment of mathematics.
Loc. in Archive
Kiwanuka, H.N., Van, D., Van, D.N., Anumendem, D.N., Vanlaar, G., Reynolds, C., Namusisi, S., 2017. How do student and classroom characteristics affect attitude toward mathematics? A multivariate multilevel analysis. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 28, 121. doi:10.1080/09243453.2016.1201123
Kiwanuka, H. N., & Namusisi, S. (2017). How do student and classroom characteristics affect attitude toward mathematics? A multivariate multilevel analysis (Kiwanuka, H.N., Van, D., Van, D.N., Anumendem, D.N., Vanlaar, G., Reynolds, C., Namusisi, S., 2017. How do student and classroom characteristics affect attitude toward mathematics? A multivariate multilevel analysis. School Effectiveness and School Improvement 28, 121. doi:10.1080/09243453.2016.1201123).