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The impact of a technology-based approach for the learning of mathematics at secondary school level
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Journal Article
- Appavooa P. (Author)
The impact of a technology-based approach for the learning of mathematics at secondary school level
The main purpose of this research project was to determine how technology helps students to engage in Mathematics learning at school. One hundred and forty-five students (girls & boys) of varying learning performances studied the topic fraction using technology-enhanced lessons. The scores of a summative test were compared with those students who had studied the topic using the traditional approach. Results confirmed that the mastery of higher order skills can be enhanced using technological tools. Gender bias was also investigated and the results showed that high performing boys benefitted more from the experiment. Regarding the affective domain of learning, students across all levels of performance were positively impacted and showed much interest in the new learning approach. A theoretical framework, the Technology Integration Model (TIM) evolved from this study and should serve as guiding framework. Italian e-Learning Association.
Loc. in Archive
Appavooa P. 2020. The impact of a technology-based approach for the learning of mathematics at secondary school level. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society. Vol. 16 (4) 76-85
Appavooa P. (2020). The impact of a technology-based approach for the learning of mathematics at secondary school level (Appavooa P. 2020. The impact of a technology-based approach for the learning of mathematics at secondary school level. Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society. Vol. 16 (4) 76-85
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